Naar inhoud
Friday from 18h to 19h30
(in English) 

Crossed perspectives on the professional integration of migrants and refugees in Belgium.

Migration is a well debated topic on the political agenda. For newcomers, the arrival in a safer but yet, unknown place, is often the beginning of a new journey. Their inclusion in the labour market is key to ensure their integration to the Belgium society and their positive impact on the economy, using their skills and realising their potential. Finding a job or creating one’s job ? microStart has gathered a large and interesting discussion panel to cross perspectives on the socio-professional integration of migrants and refugees in Belgium. 


With : 

- Sammy Mahdi, State Secretary for Asylum and Migration in charge of the National Lottery
Alphonse Munyaneza, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 
Zaina Rasha, refugee entrepreneur and delegate from the umbrella refugee committee
Elisabeth Verniers, Duo For a Job
Emmanuel Dushimimana entrepreneur and client of microStart who helps migrants with social and professional integration in Belgium
Eléonore Laming, branch manager of microStart Brussels Agency. 




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