- Financingin a simple way
- CoachingFor your success
- Defendingwith advocacy
Our Story
As a leading microfinance institution in Belgium, microStart provides advice and grants microcredits to (starting) entrepreneurs who do not have access to financing from the conventional banking sector.
Created in 2011, microStart is an initiative of Adie, a pioneer in European microfinance, BNP Paribas Fortis and the European Investment Fund.
Today, microStart is one of the most dynamic and innovative European players in the field of professional microcredit. microStart's practices comply with the European Code of Conduct promoted by the European Commission for Microfinance Institutions in the EU.

We aim for a more inclusive society by facilitating the creation and development of viable enterprises and jobs for every individual, especially those experiencing financial and social inequalities.
Our values
- Trust
- Innovation
- Respect
- Solidarity
- Professionalism
Facts & Figures As of the end of 2023
+9.800jobs created
7185professional loans
+€ 61Minjected into the economy
91%repayment rate
+11.000entrepreneurs trained
Our team
Board SC-ES
Carine De Nys
Chair microStart SCRL
Carine De Nys
Chair microStart SCRL
Anne-France Simon
Head of CSR Engagement & Inclusion - BNP Paribas Fortis
Anne-France Simon
Head of CSR Engagement & Inclusion - BNP Paribas Fortis
Jan Heyvaert
Chief Human Resources and Sustainability Officer - AG Insurance
Jan Heyvaert
Chief Human Resources and Sustainability Officer - AG Insurance
Laure Coussirat-Coustère
Deputy CEO - Adie
Laure Coussirat-Coustère
Deputy CEO - Adie
Patrick Somerhausen
Co-CEO - Funds For Good
Patrick Somerhausen
Co-CEO - Funds For Good
Loïc De Cannière
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Incofin Investment Management
Loïc De Cannière
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Incofin Investment Management
Guido Busseniers
Chairman of microStart Support ASBL
Guido Busseniers
Chairman of microStart Support ASBL
Bruno Debuysscher
Operations Director Partena
Bruno Debuysscher
Operations Director Partena
Olivier Brissaud
Olivier Brissaud
Guy Turchet
Administrator & Treasurer
Guy Turchet
Administrator & Treasurer
Odile Amory
Odile Amory
Guido Busseniers
Chairman of microStart Support ASBL
Guido Busseniers
Chairman of microStart Support ASBL
David Dardenne
Administrator (Senior Manager at Accenture)
David Dardenne
Administrator (Senior Manager at Accenture)
My interest in businesses started during my studies in economics. Nearly 8 years in corporate communication have allowed me to build relationships with CEOs, entrepreneurs, journalists, and politicians.
The nonprofit organization Réseau Entreprendre in Brussels has nurtured my passion for entrepreneurship and deepened my understanding of supporting entrepreneurs through other entrepreneurs, creating sustainable jobs, facilitating the growth of a network of nearly 500 entrepreneurs, financing, and team management.
I am convinced of the impact of microStart, which enables financing and support for entrepreneurs regardless of their background, income, social status, or education. This is an essential mission for our Belgian economy.
After graduating with a degree in languages and literature, I soon realised that I wanted to use my social skills and ideally make a contribution to those in need. That's how I ended up at Caritas International, where I worked in the migration sector for ten years. I discovered how resilient people can be and how, in their own countries, they creatively use entrepreneurship to support themselves and their families.
This brings me now to microStart, where I hope to take on new challenges and discover that there are also many entrepreneurial opportunities in Belgium. I am convinced that entrepreneurship and microfinance can be one of the keys to success for many people, and I hope to contribute to this by starting this new and exciting chapter at microStart. -
I undertook a Master's degree in Economics in Cairo which I completed at ULB, followed by The European Microfinance Program (EMP) which gave me the necessary knowledge in the field. Several internships and professional experiences as well as an immersion in Morocco allowed me to perfect my knowledge. Within microStart as a management controller, a position that allows me to link finance and microcredit which modestly and indirectly helps to create several jobs in Belgium.
After my studies in social sciences and economics, with a specialisation in TEW, I wanted to deepen my knowledge in social and development economics.
That's why I decided to follow a study on globalisation and development, where I learned about the importance of microcredits in the world.
Support for small entrepreneurs is also very important in Belgium. That's why I'm very enthusiastic about working at microStart to help entrepreneurs and starters get started.
Every day, we are in contact with clients who have a dream, and we help them to realise it through financing, support and advice.
I am very proud to contribute to the social impact of microStart on our society!
Attracted by the social impact of microfinance, I specialised in Microfinance and Financial Inclusion at the ULB.
Coming from a developing country, I am aware of the importance of having someone who believes in your project and who helps you to make it happen. That's what really attracted my attention to microStart and I'm proud to be able to participate in the future success story of an entrepreneur! -
With experience in a telecommunications company and the financial sectors, I have accumulated a lot of knowledge and skills.
Communication is central for me and working together towards a suitable solution is very interesting. Working at microStart gives me a new opportunity to further develop my knowledge in the field of customer service and above all to help customers to realise their projects. -
Adham Zaghloul
Adham Zaghloul
Trabelsi Nidal
Trabelsi Nidal
With a background in management science, I started working in the fund administration sector where I had the opportunity to perform various functions related to the calculation and control of net asset values. This experience not only gave me an insight into market finance, but also sharpened my interest in responsible finance. This led me to culminate my studies with a thesis on microcredit. Convinced of the positive impact of microcredit on economic and social development, I decided to breathe new life into my career by joining the microStart adventure. I share the same values with this organisation.
After a first experience as HR assistant for 4 years in a company, I was looking for a new challenge. So, thanks to my desire to learn new things, I decided to continue my career path at MicroStart. I was captivated by its vision and values. I am very motivated and happy to be able to contribute to this project. In my opinion, entrepreneurship is the engine of our economy and I am therefore delighted to join a company that has understood this principle 100%.
Having adopted a dual culture lifestyle, Moroccan that of my parents and Belgian my native country, I can say that I have developed a rich personality allowing me to adapt to all types of situations in my life.
Having completed my secondary education in an Athénée with a general economic-mathematical option, I was immersed in the world of accounting from my teenage years, and I knew immediately that this was the direction I wanted to follow.
With my CESS in hand, I embarked on higher studies in accounting at the HEFF Coremans. These years as a bachelor were rich in learning and experience.
I was lucky enough to have done my internships during my last year of bachelor in an international pharmaceutical company. They hired me directly for a student job during the summer holidays.
I then had the opportunity to develop my knowledge as a PA accountant in a company with 2 activities; economic and social and with 4 NPOs.
I am a person with a lot of experience, I am very knowledgeable. The opportunity to deepen my knowledge, to evolve and to increase my grades without being considered as a junior accountant (being a recent graduate) is what pushed me to take up new challenges and become the accountant of microStart.
I started to develop an interest in entrepreneurship during my studies as a management engineer. After a first experience as a salesperson in a company, followed by the launch of a small restaurant, I decided to commit myself for one and a half years to a project of coaching young entrepreneurs in an NGO in Ivory Coast. This project convinced me that entrepreneurship is a powerful tool for poverty reduction and economic and social development! Working at microStart was a logical next step in my career path. Moreover, microStart allows me to work in an organisation whose vision and values I share.
I graduated in Finance at the Arteveldehogeschool in Ghent where I also did an internship with microStart. During this internship, my motivation increased to work in the financial sector but with the goal of helping people with their entrepreneurship every day. After a first work experience in digital marketing, I joined microStart (this time as a full-time employee). microStart combines the financial with the social, a key role in our society. I therefore wish to help the people who come to microStart to start up their businesses as best I can.
After graduating from the VUB, I took my first professional steps by organising activities for the homeless in the CAW. During my career in various social organisations, my love for communication and design grew more and more. After further training and a first professional experience as communication manager at Cultureghem VZW, I started as a freelance graphic designer. The birth of "LOWI" was also my first step as an entrepreneur. At microStart, I found the opportunity to combine my love of communication and design with a social component and a sense of entrepreneurship. As far as I'm concerned, it's right on target!
After graduating with a Master's degree in International Strategic Management Consulting, I became involved in the management of solidarity projects at the end of my studies. For more than five years, I coordinated and managed development aid and humanitarian projects in various sectors, mainly within specialised agencies of the United Nations system in Madagascar (the Food and Agriculture Organization, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization) and in the Democratic Republic of Congo (the World Food Programme).
Evolving in an environment where I am increasingly confronted with and interested in social entrepreneurship as a driver of economic development and social inclusion, I am now directing my career towards actions that combine entrepreneurial initiative (or social innovation) and the fight against poverty.
I fully support microStart's vision and I am now happy to join the organisation and to invest myself alongside its teams as Development Project Manager.
After graduating from Université de Bourgogne in Applied Foreign Languages, I returned to Hungary to start my professional career. My first job happened to be at Salesforce Technical Support as a Tier 2 agent for French and English speaking customers which allowed me to discover my skills and interest in IT. Since then I have been working for over 9 years in various Salesforce related roles in Hungary and in Belgium: support agent, SME, technical consultant, internal admin, technical architect, developer.
At microStart I can combine my passion for my profession with a social mission which is a very strong motivation for my everyday work. I am proud to be part of an organization facilitating people to take initiative of entrepreneurship and to take their life in their own hands regardless of their background.
After studying at ULB and then ICHEC, I launched my career as a consultant specializing in digital transformation, with particular expertise in Salesforce technology. This experience enabled me to work with a number of companies, where I had the opportunity to support them in their digitalization. However, beyond the functional and technical aspects of my work, I've always felt a deep aspiration: to put my skills at the service of a cause that's close to my heart, namely, to have a positive impact on society. For me, the idea of reconciling my passion for new technologies with a social commitment was an obvious one. That's why I chose to join the MicroStart team.
Marie Halin
Marie Halin
Samia Batouche
Working since November 2019 within microstart as a receptionist, it has forged my conviction to give everyone the opportunity to be an entrepreneur. I am delighted and excited to continue working with microStart as an advisor to help entrepreneurs realise their ambitions.
Sehida Pala
Sehida Pala
Amanda Da Silva
Amanda Da Silva
Belinda Moulin
With a degree in Population and Development Sciences, I was able to gain experience in the field of development cooperation in different organisations.
As Koffi Anan said, "Microcredit has proven to be an effective weapon against poverty and hunger and can really improve the lot of people, especially those who need it the most".
Working for microStart is an opportunity for me to contribute to the fight against poverty and the integration of people excluded from our society. -
Laura Bonjean
As a graduate in social and sustainable enterprise management, working at microStart was my first ideal job.
After living in Norway for a few months, I applied for a job at microStart, looking for a job that combines the non-profit world and entrepreneurship, that makes sense and that is in line with my values. Indeed, equity, humanity and inclusiveness are very dear to me.
I admire people with great ideas and the desire to undertake, and I am enthusiastic about supporting them in their projects. -
Laura Laruelle
My journey has allowed me to work alongside companies that share a humanistic vision of the economy, and in 2021, I became aware of social entrepreneurship. Convinced of the importance of microfinance for self-employment creation, my goal at microStart is to create a warm environment where every entrepreneur feels supported and encouraged in their projects.
Maverick Montone
With a degree in hotel management, I have made the choice through my career to contribute to the satisfaction of each customer.
With experience in the hotel sector and holding various managerial and executive positions, I was able to develop human and social principles and skills and espouse the values dear to microStart.
Affected by the health crisis linked to COVID-19, I made the choice to give a new impetus to my career. microStart is for me an obvious choice! Indeed, having the constant desire to help and accompany, to put my human values, my team spirit and my analytical skills at the service of microStart, I will be able to make myself useful and allow each client to develop professionally and guarantee the right to economic initiative.
These principles and values fully reflect the vision and mission of microStart. The provision of my skills to company projects, teammates and clients, the expertise of my colleagues and manager are the keys to achieving my social and human missions.
Hassan Abo Esmail
Having studied English literature, I did not really expect to change my career to microfinance.
I started working for an NGO involved in microfinance at the First MicroFinance Institution-Syria in different positions: first as a credit advisor, then in the credit control unit, risk management and compliance department at the head office. Microfinance is a passion for me and part of my personality. It was therefore logical that I should also work in the microfinance sector in Belgium, namely at microStart. I first started as a volunteer in May 2017, and in October 2017 I was able to start working as a credit advisor. -
Elmehdi Lagrit
I have been working at microStart since May 2018. I started as a receptionist with a contract as section 60. Due to some changes within the company, an opportunity as a Community Officer came up in the Ghent office. Being a true citizen of Ghent, I know the city very well and I know where the different communities are, so this job seemed like a good challenge. The position of community officer is a very stimulating and above all important position within microStart. At microStart, we focus on people with an immigrant background. These people need to be heard and helped. It is also very important to gain their trust and show them that we want to help them. For me it is a very pleasant job, because you come into contact with many different cultures and people from different backgrounds. It also broadens my knowledge as a person and I find that a very important part of my job. I learn a lot from my work but also from my clients.
Saman Douroudi
After several years of experience in the world of real estate and banking, I had the feeling that it is not always easy for everyone to achieve their dream. Everyone has the right to give everything to reach their goal and this certainly cannot be hindered by one's background, income, social situation or education. I wanted to see myself as a link to offer added value in the search for these people. That is why I chose to work at microStart. I was strongly attracted by the vision of this financial institution.
With respect, trust and professionalism, I do everything in my power to make the dreams of all clients come true.
Ahmad Ghali
I studied law and worked as a lawyer in Syria, specialising in company law and banking law. Driven by my passion for economics and entrepreneurship, I followed the Master in Business Economics at Ghent University. Through my work in the social sector, I became aware of people's needs and the importance for society that people can rely on each other and trust each other. microStart is not only a financial institution, it is also a gateway to social and economic participation for motivated people who do not have enough resources to achieve their dreams. Helping people is a precious goal for me, that's why I immediately got involved in this position of microcredit advisor at microStart, where solidarity, respect and equality are essential.
Jochen Lenders
Originally from an entrepreneurial family, I left Belgium to pursue my university education and start my career. My journey took me across a multitude of countries, taught me 4 additional languages and gave me the chance to work in a handful of large, corporate organisations. In my spare time, I created 2 start-ups and was fortunate to be able to contribute to sociable projects, working with young entrepreneurs, homeless people, children and athletes.
Upon my return to Belgium, my eye fell on microStart as it combined a lot of my passions into one; entrepreneurship, finance and a social cause. I really believe in the mission and values of this company and I am delighted about the opportunity to put my skills to good use in my new environment.
Werner Van Dessel
Microcredit first came onto my radar after reading the book "Banker to the Poor" by Muhammad Yunus from Bangladesh (2010). During that period, I was staying in India where I was involved in a charity project. I noticed how people were able to accomplish wonderful projects with just a little financial support. At that time, microcredit was still unknown in Belgium, and I continued to work for many years in the "traditional" conservative banking sector. Finally, I have made the move to an organization where social engagement and assistance to the economically weaker sections are central, Microstart.
Romaissa El Messaoudi
Romaissa El Messaoudi
Find the nearest office
Telephone reception
Monday – Friday
9h – 12h30 / 13h - 16h (FR, NL and EN)
Monday – Friday
By appointment only
Brussels branch
Rue de Fiennes 77
Liège branch
Boulevard de la Sauvenière 58
Hainaut branch
Square des Martyrs 1
Ghent branch
Voormuide 41
Antwerp branch
Uitbreidingstraat 180 2600 Antwerpen
T +32 2 888 61 00
Permanences at our partners
By appointment only on +32 2 888 61 00 or by e-mail welcome@microstart.be
Ostend permanency
Partena Professional
Graaf de Smet de Naeyerlaan 26/28
Courtrai permanency
Partena Professional
Houtmarkt 9D
Mons permanency
Partena Professional
Boulevard Sainctelette 73
Sint-Niklaas office
Partena Professional
Plezantstraat 161
Namur permanency
Partena Professional
Rue Pépin 1
Verviers permanency
Rue de Rome 17
Hasselt permanency
Partena Professional
Herkenrodesingel 6A
Nivelles permanency
Storylab in Cap Innove
Rue de la Recherche 2
Bruges permanency
Partena Professional
Gistelse Steenweg 17